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How to Take Better Photos and Record Memories When Sightseeing in Exuma

November 22, 2017

When sightseeing in Exuma, you might be inspired to take photos and videos to help you capture the moments and memories forever. There are techniques and inexpensive technology available to help you take great photos, even if you are just an amateur photographer. By learning and practicing for your trip, you can create wonderful mementos while you are in Exuma. Learn about different tools you can use with your smartphone, angle and lighting, and tips for making videos.

Tools for you Smartphone

Much of your photos and videos can be taken by your smartphone. This is convenient as you most likely will already have your device with you during your travels! The great thing is that you can utilize a few tools and apps to enhance your photos. Pixlr is a free app for your smartphone that is available for both iOS and Android devices. It allows you to make a variety of edits quickly to enhance certain aspects of your pictures, depending on the mood you want to convey.

Next, you can invest in an inexpensive tripod and mounting kit that will easily fit in a bag you are carrying with you if you need stability. You can find small more compact models or larger ones. You can also search the web for lenses that work with your phone to enhance your photos too, whether it be focusing more on objects or scenery far away, or to make something up close look great.

Lighting and Angle

In addition to purchasing tools to make your photos better, it will take a little practice on your end. First, natural lighting is always best for images. Often times when using the flash, it will wash out some details worth remembering. As you test out lighting, if trying to take a photo with a friend or an object, work to see if it’s better to be facing the light or on the opposite side. You do not want the background to lose any detail so you need to find a proper balance between subject and surroundings.

When trying to angle your photos, make sure they are balanced. If you are taking a photo of Exuma’s beautiful scenery, make sure the amount of sky and ground is equal. For objects, whether they are close or far away, you can either center the main focus of your image, or have it in the left of right of the screen. This is known as the rule of thirds. For more tips, learn about phone photography 101: how to take good pictures with your phone.

Tips for Videos

When taking videos on your smartphone, utilize some of the tools and resources available for photos. Try to stabilize your camera using the rule of thirds—and in this instance, what you are focusing on should be in the middle. There should be equal space on both sides of the object. Something to consider as you film is your battery’s life -  you might run down your battery while you film. Make sure you are fully charged before you go, and you can purchase a backup battery that you can easily have charging while you are filming.

To help you with your sightseeing, bonefishing, and other activities in the Exumas, Bonefish Drex has you covered. Learn more about the best Exuma sightseeing locations on Stocking Island, and call us to book your trip. Call us today at 242-357-0243.