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Why you should kayak after your Bahamas charter rental

So you’ve decided to rent a sailing charter in the Bahamas - great news! While you might love sailing on the charter for most of your week, a little low-key kayaking might be the perfect way to get some physical activity in while still enjoying the beautiful scenery the Bahamas have to offer. 

Kayaking 101
Kayaking typically involves a one-seat, small vessel. But sometimes you can get a tandem kayak if you’d prefer to kayak with a loved one or friend. When you sit in the kayak, make sure all personal possessions are secured and safe. We recommend a waterproof bag, or box, to hold your phones and keys. You can purchase bags/boxes specifically for kayaking, so if they go overboard it’ll float. 

When you kayak, alternate strokes. Keep strokes even, short, and smooth to prevent an overturned kayak. When you are navigating turns and tighter spaces, that’s when you should use different levels of power and lengths of strokes. This will help guide you on your journey.

Health Benefits
There are a number of health benefits to kayaking, including: 
Stress: Kayaking helps to lower stress and leave you feeling relaxed, as well as rejuvenated.
Mental Health: The lower stress levels will lead to you feeling lighter, happier, and you’ll even feel an increase in confidence. 
Workout: One of the best workouts you’ll get is kayaking - it’s perfect if you are looking for a fun activity to do while on vacation.
Heart Health: Kayaking is a cardiovascular activity, which will help to workout your heart and give it the exercise it needs to remain strong. 

Kayaking Safety
Now that you are ready to go kayaking, there are a few things you should know and be aware of. Afterall, safety is most important! 
Wear your life jacket: We know, a life jacket might not be the most fun thing but it can save your life. Just think, what happens if you fall out and hit your head? Always be safe, rather than sorry.
Kayak with others: Kayaking with others will help keep you safe, but also ensure people know where you are at. If you do choose to go out alone, make sure friends and family know where you go, as well as how long you’ll be gone. 
Weather: Pay attention to the weather prior to going out on the water. If poor weather is on the horizon, reschedule your kayak outing for another date. Dangerous kayaking conditions can be detrimental to your trip, and your safety.

Now that you know a little bit about bonefish, why not stop by and schedule a time to go on your bonefishing adventure? No matter what you are looking for, Bonefish Drex can help. Not only can we provide you with a charter rental, but we can give you the sightseeing tour you are looking for. To learn more about our services, give us a call at 242-356-0243. We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming months - the weather is gorgeous!